Thursday 28 June 2012

What Do I Take?

Ever since I started promoting the Body by Vi 90 Day Health Challenge, people are always asking me about it. And the number one question, after "what is the challenge?" is "what do I take?" 

Every 7 seconds someone in North America drinks Vi Shake!! Every 7 seconds!! Why? Because it's amazing stuff, that's why. There is a reason it's referred to as "the shake mix that tastes like a cake mix." It tastes great, it's simple, it's inexpensive, and, most importantly, it works. People of all ages, and medical histories, and from all over North America, are getting healthy with the 90 Day Challenge. Whether it's by losing weight, adding muscle mass, toning their bodies, or simply getting more balanced nutrition, they are making it happen.

The cornerstone of the body by Vi 90 Day Challenge is the Shake. What's IN the shake? Let me show you...

For more information, and to get started on your 90 Day Challenge, click here.

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