Sunday, 6 January 2013

Preliminary Racing 2013

Exercise plays such a critical role in diabetes management, that I try to lead my example, and teach my children (type 1 and not type 1) that exercise is a fun way to spend time together and a perfect way to keep our bodies strong and healthy. Because exercise is one of the MOST important parts of my life, I love sharing my enthusiasm for an active lifestyle with others, too. My favorite activities are running and cycling, but I also love snowshoeing, Bikram yoga, hiking, and walking. Anything outdoors is ideal, though it is extremely rainy in the fall and winter months where I live so when the rain stops, I take major advantage of it! I have big plans for 2013 year when it comes to exercise. BIG PLANS. Racing is calling my name, and it's long overdue that I started listening. 

2013 will be all about SPEED. Races confirmed for 2013 include...

Vancouver Sun Run, April 21st. I have run this race many times, but last year I skipped it and the year before I walked it with my mom. It is the largest 10 km road race in North America and is a total blast. With over 50,000 participants and live musical entertainment every kilometer, it is almost as much of a party as it is a race. I'm training hard for this one, as I'm hoping to shave 5 minutes off my Sun Run PR, set years ago.

BMO Vancouver Marathon, May 5th. Ran the half-marathon last year on their gorgeous new course, but was extremely disappointed with my result, which was more than 20 minutes slower than my BMO half-marathon PR. Going to give it another shot this year and finish with a result I'm proud of.

Spartan Sprint, May 11th. After the Warrior Dash last year, I knew I would be doing way more obstacle races. This one is a quick little 5km and is perfect for those new to obstacle racing. I'll be doing this with a huge group of Visalians, most of whom are cross-fitters and mega, mega fit. We'll see how well I keep up!

Tough Mudder, June 22nd & 23rd, Whistler. Next to the Cyclebetes National Relay (if it's back this year), this will be the highlight of my summer. I am SO excited about this one! A 10-12 mile course designed by British Special Forces, that combines running with military-style obstacles in icy cold water, mud, and hilly terrain. The same race runs two days and again I'll be racing with the Visalian crew.

There definitely will be more than the above to come this year.

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