Wednesday 27 July 2011

"O is for Outrage" ~ 90 Years of Insulin and We Still Haven't Got it Quite Right

Today marks the 90th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, the drug that keeps my 10 year old son alive. He, along with thousands of others, simply would be here if it weren't for the incredible work of Dr. Banting and Dr. Best. And while I am, and always will be, eternally grateful for this miracle drug that provides life-sustaining therapy for my son, I find myself unable to comprehend how, after 90 years, there can still be people on this planet without access to insulin.

This is simply unacceptable. We MUST do better. 

On that note, the International Diabetes Federation has launched the "O is for Outrage" campaign. Their wish is for President Barack Obama show the world that he is committed to the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by attending the UN Summit Sept 19-20, 2011. 

What can you do to help the IDF? Visit their website and create a postcard, or use one of the templates provided. Submit it directly via their site, or save it and email it yourself. For full information, postcards, and to read more about the International Diabetes Federation's "O is for Outrage" campaign, visit:

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable that we can have the scientific progress necessary to create live-saving cures . . . but then they are privatized for the purposes of profit above all else.

    100 years is plenty of time to make these life-saving medicines available to all. So let's do it already!

    Supporting "O is for Outrage" campaign and the prevention/control of non-communicable diseases :D
