Saturday, 10 March 2012

Don't Forget: Meter & Pump Adjustments!

It's daylight savings time, so we'll be putting our clocks ahead one hour tonight. But it's not just clocks. In addition to changing the batters in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, don't forget to adjust the time on all of your blood glucose meters, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMs). And for those on MDIs and using long acting insulin, you'll need to check in with your endocrinologist or certified diabetes educator and find out about tweaking your injection times.

And while we'll lose an hour of sleep tonight, we'll gain an hour of daylight, so no more morning runs in the dark. Yippee!!

1 comment:

  1. You forgot one! Apparently time change day is also lancet change day for lots of people. So change your lancets folks!
