Saturday 5 November 2011

5 Things That Changed My Life

5 in honor of the 5th. What are 5 things that have changed your life? Were they events? People? Succinct moments or things that progressed over time? Feel free to write a few things that changed your life as a patient, caregiver, or Health Activist and how.
5 things that have changed my life as a health advocate. Easy...

1) Dylan's type 1 diabetes diagnosis, November 21st, 2005.

Would I be a diabetes advocate if I didn't have a type 1 child to advocate for? I doubt it. I mean, yes I have a marketing background and used to work in the public awareness and fundraising industry for various different non-profits, but my advocating now is personal. From the moment Dylan was diagnosed almost 6 year's ago, I have done everything I can to spread awareness and help find a cure for type 1 diabetes.

2) The insulin pump

Not a lot to say that hasn't already been said by others. Next to the discovery of insulin itself, the insulin pump is the greatest invention ever for those with type 1 diabetes. We functioned okay before having a pump, but Dylan's diabetes is much better managed and his blood sugar levels are much more stable now than they ever were on MDIs. I love his pump. Literally.

3) JDRF and Cyclebetes

Two great organizations that have motivated and encouraged me to do as much as I can to make a difference. JDRF is a rock solid organization that is dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with type 1 diabetes. Their staff are passionate about what they do, and truly care about the families they work with.

Cyclebetes (now named Cycle4) is a nonprofit organization that organizing cycling events ranging from school spin-a-thons to cross Canada rides. They promote awareness through physical activity and donate all of the money they raise to diabetes research.

4) A great diabetes education team

We have an awesome pediatric endocrinologist and an equally great diabetes educator/nurse. They are available for questions anytime and have been extremely helpful and supportive since Dylan's diagnosis.

5) The DOC

Where would any of us be without the ongoing help and unconditional support of the DOC?? A big thank you to everyone involved with the DOC.

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