Tuesday 6 December 2011

100 Hundred Reasons to Love Banting & Best

Anyone and everyone who has been affected by diabetes loves and appreciates the outstanding contributions of Frederick Banting and Charles Best. Insulin is not only one of the greatest medical inventions of all time, but for a type 1 diabetic, it is the magical serum that keeps him or her alive. 

Canada is currently in the process of changing all of its paper currency into a new polymer format, which essentially looks and feels like plastic. Each bill is different and the $100 bill is extra special. Why? To celebrate Banting and Best's discovery, the Canadian Mint has featured a bottle of insulin on the new $100 bills. I remember seeing a little promotional video months ago, which featured information about the new bill, but then I completely forgot about it. That is, until my husband came home with one last weekend and showed it to me. Check it out!

The new Canadian $100 bill - see the insulin bottle?

For the umteenth time this year alone, thank you Banting & Best, for your dedication, creativity, and genius in discovering the drug that keeps my son alive.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in Australia - but heading to Canada early in the new year with my two T1D kids - will be sure to get a hold of one of these new $100 bills - and hopefully hang onto it!
