Friday, 11 May 2012

Diabetes Advocates

So I opened my inbox this morning to find an email from Diabetes Advocates stating, "Your application has recently been approved by the membership committee." Yippee!!

What is Diabetes Advocates? They are a "collective of individuals and organizations that offer expertise, resources, and support to those touched by diabetes. We believe that connecting with others living with and caring for diabetes, and providing emotional and anecdotal support, goes hand-in-hand with the support of a healthcare provider."

What do they do? "[They] help people who have diabetes and their loved ones realize that they are not alone. [They] help the diabetes community by sharing [their] personal experiences, spreading the word about diabetes news and treatment options, and helping to inspire a dialog between a diabetes patient and their medical team. [They] accomplish this through diabetes blogs, diabetes social communities, videos, radio shows, books, newsletters, and live events."

In 2011, the Diabetes Advocates collective reached more than 6,000,000 people touched by diabetes. 

Applications are accepted each spring. For more information, check out their website.

Now I get to sport this stylin' badge on my blog too!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for all your work spreading TRUTHS about diabetes! I wish I'd known about DAs when I was diagnosed!
